My 1 yr old daughter is suffering from this condition. Doctor prescribed anti allergy syrup but no improvement. Skin is very rough and itchy at night.otherwise she is okay. Can somebody help
I am a female suffering from subclinical hypothyroidism. Is any medication or treatment required? T4 28.18. facing hair fall and no other symptom as such. What can be done to improve the hormonal level?
I have severe pain in my feet and its been a long time (many years). Had all the tests done. Reports are all fine but never got to know whats wrong? It becomes worse at times
Asalamoalaikum.. I'm 2 months pregnant from last three days i am having red color urine. I went through urine test which is completely normal. but still my urine color is red and I'm having so much pain in my lower stomach..Please tell me what to do
I got blood test results yesterday and am worried about my results.. LDL 137.6 HDL 59.7 Total cholestrol 194.2. should i be worried?
Im experiencing such kinda redness mostly involving knee joints,knuckles,feet,arms,forearms,ears,face.3 times in last month. It stays for half hour almost along with it a sensation of hot flush, mild itch. We have a strong history of asthma and skin allergies
Having a stone in kidney. Having difficulty in passing urine too. the stone is there from last 2 days. please tell proper treatment.
Can a patient on Myrin be given any sleeping pill? The reason why I'm asking is that the patient cannot sleep through the night due to extreme coughing.
I m using Diane 35 on dr. prescription for PCOS since 2 months. I'm going to perform umrah there I will use Diane and then stop for 6 days. My periods will come in the last days of umrah in free pills days. My quetion is how to stop periods should I continue Diane, should not stop for 6 days in which periods come must or should I start primulut N 3 days before periods? Can I use primolut N with Diane 35? kindly guide me
I have 5 warts in my feets since 6 ,7 years. Doctor prescribed me duofilm ,with applying this medicine it vanishes for a time being but again appears. It is very painful. Please tell doctors what to do.thanks
Crunching sounds without pain from both knees at age 32 weight 53 while doing up and down exercise is, of course, abnormal what are the reasons?
I am using this medicine for my urinary tract infection. Its have side effects of stomachache and diarrhea but I am suffering watery stools and stomachache for 24 hours. Doctors plz suggest how long its side effects persist and any remedy for watery stools.
These are spots my son got after mosquito bites. But the bump and redness didn't reduce even after four days. He is 10 months old. No temperature. No any other sign. Sometimes itchy.
Sister of my maid is diagnosed with the fibrotic liver. Medicine given are just some pain relievers and risek. Please tell me if it is something serious. As per my maid, she has blood coming out of her mouth.
50 year old height 5.5 weight 70 kg. I am taking conversam 4mg and two pills of Alp 0. 5 mg for last 3 year my bp is always normal. Because I run 4 km every alternate day and took alp only for sleeping because I am an addict as I care a lot to maintain weight and good health because I just want to know that is there any side effect of above medicine? Please guide me and I also took surbex z evion 200mg and Biotin 100 mcg for skin and hair problem.
Patient has been prescribed lament 25 mg ( not for epilepsy) for anger, two days to tablet, headache, flu-like heaviness in ears, slight pain in eyes, even absurd feeling in throat, will symptoms subside with continuing usage? Or is it better to stop the medicine? Medicine is taken at night. Flux 20 is taken in the morning.
My only daughter is 6 years old.No sibling. She is getting weaker & anemic. Bones are getting thin, the gap in teeth is increasing. Allergic to temperature changes, Slow eater, complaints daily light pain in tummy while getting ready for school.No meal time fixed. Please help me in improving my daughter's health. Her eating habit remains okay for two to three days a week and the rest of the days we had to face trouble.
I am getting a burden on my stomach after meal form 1week and vomit after 2hours happens from yesterday morning. Please tell me what to do?
Its been over a month that scaling and itching were there with small red spots inside the skin. Off and on cream Travocort was applied. Starting from the finger, the spots and scaling progressed to the sole This is the recent picture. Can you please diagnose and tell me what to apply?
I was not a regular smoker. Only used to smoke with friends for fun. But from Last 4 months, I started smoking regularly, which causes me skin problems, weight gain, and regular coughing. Now I've stopped smoking from last 5 days and I'm having stomach problems especially bowel problems. I had constipation for 2 days and when I had bowel it was so hard that I got severe pain after that. Please help me with this I don't want to smoke now.